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How to Prepare and Deliver Successful Author Visits in Schools

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Event Information

Date of Event
26th February 2026
Last Booking Date for this Event
26th February 2026


Date: 26th February 2026

Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm

Cost: £20 (introductory offer). Please email [email protected] for information on limited bursary offers. Conditions apply.

An online training session for writers and illustrators

Open to all writers, illustrators, booksellers and students.

In the book market today it is no longer enough to be published; authors and illustrators are required to interact directly with their audience of readers, booksellers, teachers and librarians. Our aim is to use the experience of established writers, illustrators and booksellers help you bridge the gap between being a published creator and a successful, author who engages with their audience.

The aims of the session:

· To give a good and broad understanding of why promotion and working directly with your readership is important.

· To explore a range of events and approaches – and finding the ones that work for you.

· To explore ways in which you can make links to schools, libraries and booksellers – and then develop them!

· To help you think about the best ways to talk about and present your book, and what sort of groups you need to prepare for.

· To plan ways in which you can use your themes and topics - and your general approach - as a basis for creative writing and visual literacy with young people, teachers and librarians.

· To give help and guidance in structuring a successful event - and to flag up some potential pitfalls!

· To create a network of fellow book industry creatives, to whom any writer or illustrator can talk to for ideas, information and support.

Attendee CategoryCost   
General Admission£20.00

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