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CPD Courses

Our short courses are taught by leading academics and professionals who have a wealth of experience and undertake sector-leading research in their specialist fields, which include combustion, explosions and fire safety engineering; fire chemistry and toxicity; and hazards, disasters and emergencies.

Programmes have been designed and developed with employers and professional bodies and taught by experts in combustion, explosions and fire safety engineering.

You’ll have access to dedicated fire laboratories equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and equipment for small and intermediate scale experiments and facilities at Washington Hall, the UK’s international fire, training and development centre.

CPD Courses


NEBOSH General Certificate


The NEBOSH general Certificate Course is one of the UK's most sought after health and safety qualifications.

Offering an overview of the core aspects of occupational health and safety.

The course provides an excellent base for individuals who are looking to build upon their knowledge and skills and take their career forward.

StartEndCourse Fee 
Week 1 -12-15 May 25 - Week 2 - 26-30 May 25
12/05/202530/05/2025£1650.00[Read More]
September 2025
01/09/202519/09/2025£1650.00[Read More]
November 2025
17/11/202505/12/2025£1650.00[Read More]

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