ExamsHSK Chinese Proficiency Exam (Written)DescriptionHSK is an international standardized Chinese language proficiency test to measure the ability of non-native Chinese speakers to communicate in Chinese in daily lives, academic and working settings. HSK comprises of 6 levels of written exam and 3 levels of oral exam. More information about HSK Written Exam and Oral Exam (The number in the brackets indicate the approximate number of Chinese words you need to know in order to pass the exam.)
Please note: You must register for the exam at chinesetest.cn BEFORE paying the examination fee here. You must choose University of Central Lancashire as your exam centre. Please choose the correct level that you wish to attend, and pay the listed fee.
Please check www.chinesetest.cn for update and confirmed deadlines. Examination fees: Level 1 - £10 Level 2 - £20 Level 3 - £30 Level 4 - £40 Level 5 - £50 Level 6 - £60 Examination fees are non-refundable. For any further questions or queries please contact; UCLan Confucius Institute confuciusinstitute1@uclan.ac.uk 01772 894246
HSK Oral ExamDescriptionHSK is an international standardized Chinese language text to measure the ability of non-native Chinese speakers to communicate in Chinese in daily lives, academic and working settings. Please note: Exam fees are non-refundable. You must have registered to take the exam at www.Chinesetest.cn BEFORE paying for the exam. HSK oral exam is divided into three levels of basic, intermediate and advanced. HSK Basic Oral Exam Fee: £15 Listen and Repeat: 15 questions Listen and Answer: 10 questions Answer the questions: 2 questions Exam Duration: 20+ minutes HSK Intermediate Oral Exam Fee: £25 Listen and Repeat: 10 questions Describe the pictures: 2 questions Answer the questions: 2 questions Exam Duration: 23+ minute HSK Advanced Oral Exam Fee: £35 Listen and Repeat: 3 questions Read the text: 1 question Answer the questions: 2 questions Exam Duration: 25+ minutes |