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AAT Books

AAT Books

BPP Books Level 4 Optional

BPP Books Level 4 Optional


Please see BPP Books Level 4 below. For each exam selected you will recieve a text book and QB. 

Please Note: It is mandatory that you purchase two books out of the five options available. Only Training 2000 learners are eligible to buy these books.

Once your purchase has been made, you can collect your books from Aileen O'Brien at Training 2000.

Please retain your receipts as proof/confirmation of payment.

Personal Tax (FA 2016) Text Book & QB £28
Business Tax (FA 2016) Text Book & QB £28
Cash and Treasury Management Text Book & QB £28
Credit Management Text Book & QB £28
External Auditing Text Book & QB £28


If you have any questions/queries, please see contact details below:-


AAT Co-Ordinator

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