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Clinical and laboratory digital workflows CPD event

Attendee Categories

Event Information

Dates of Event
10th April 2025 – 11th April 2025
Last Booking Date for this Event
7th April 2025


In partnership with industry leaders 3shape and skillbond, digital dentures experts Prime Dental Laboratory and clinical dental technician Tim Jackson, this CPD event will discuss both the clinical aspect of intra oral scanning and laboratory design processes. This includes:

- Practical demonstrations,

- Hands on practice with intra oral scanners  in a clinical space with manakin heads

- Clincal case based discussions

- Design and printing tutorials and practice in the laboratory 

Day 1 – Completes - introduction to digital workflows for complete dentures – this involves mastering the basics required for a digital workflow, copy dentures and more.

Day 2 – Partials - advanced digital scanning techniques, the digital workflows for complex  partial dentures, and more.

Special discounts and offers are available from suppliers for all things digital for those that book a place. Including accommodation offers.

This is event counts as 16 hours verifiable CPD.

Further information can be found on Instagram  @prime_dental_laboratory


or using the link below:


Attendee CategoryCost   
Event Ticket - Early Bird£999.00

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