Detailed Description
This book provides an introduction to Advanced Cosmology. It is the text book for module AA3053 which is part of UCLan’s distance learning BSc (Hons) Astronomy course, which is a 3rd year level module.
Chapter 1 discusses the expansion of the Universe. It emphasises the assumptions and idealisations that are needed to construct a mathematical description of the expanding Universe.
Chapter 2 discusses the essential components of that description: comoving coordinates; proper distance; the Robertson-Walker metric (the spacetime interval); and the cosmological redshift.
Chapter 3 discusses how to relate angular sizes to proper sizes (physical sizes), and how to relate apparent luminosities to intrinsic (emitted) luminosities. It introduces the effective angular-diameter distance and luminosity distance. It also discusses the question of “is the expansion real”.
Chapter 4 shows how to calculate the age of the Universe for the cosmological model, and how to calculate the horizon distances.
Chapter 5 discusses the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), and the matter- and radiation dominated eras.
Chapter 6 introduces the Friedmann equations (without proof). It discusses cosmological models and the dynamics of the Universe for zero cosmological constant and for positive cosmological constant. In particular, the “standard model” is discussed.
Chapter 7 gives a more complete account of the CMB and sets the scene for further reading.
A selection of colour plates is included to illustrate the material covered.
A knowledge of basic calculus is assumed.
If you have any queries, please contact: Danielle Bewsher, 01772 893271,