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UCLan Astronomy Texts Great Astronomers in European History




Price - £22.00 plus £3.50 P&P

ISBN 978-1-901922-97-4, 496 pp.

Author: Paul Marston

Published 2014



Detailed Description

This book provides a history of some of the great astronomers in the history of astronomy up to ~1900. It was the text for AA1066 Great Astronomers in History which was part of UCLan’s distance learning BSc (Hons) Astronomy course until 2023.

Chapter 1 looks at the nature of knowledge, history and science.

Chapter 2 looks at the beginning of cosmology.

Chapters 3 – 9 look at Nicholas Copernicus, Tycho Brahe, Johannes Kepler, Galileo Galilei, Jeremiah Horrocks, Issac Newton and William Herschel, respectively.

Chapter 10 – 12 are more topic focussed.

If you have any queries, please contact: Danielle Bewsher, 01772 893271, dbewsher@uclan.ac.uk

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