Detailed Description
This book provides an introduction to Special Relativity at a level suitable for an undergraduate's first substantive encounter with the subject. It is the text book for module AA3053 which is part of UCLan's Distance learning BSc (Hons) in Astronomy, which is a level 3 module.
Chapter 1 covers the evidence for revising Galilean relativity, the Lorentz transformations and their consequences, velocity and acceleration transformations and their applications.
Chapter 2 covers Relativistic Mechanics, including the motivation for redefining momentum, the relationship between energy and momentum, and numerous applications.
Chapter 3 covers four vectors, and applications to electricity and magnetism.
Chapter 4 provides an introduction to the ideas behind general relativity, and its relationship to special relativity.
Throughout the book, applications important in astrophysics are emphasised. These include synchrotron radiation, inverse Compton scattering, the relativistic Doppler effect, gravitational lensing and black holes.
Problems are included at the end of each chapter.
A selection of colour plates is included to illustrate the material covered.
A knowledge of basic calculus is assumed.
"A beautiful little book" - Prof. Andrei Zvelindowsky, University of Lincoln.
If you have any queries, please contact: Danielle Bewsher, 01772 893271,