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Pre-School Fees

pre school

Amount (£)


Our Pre-School Centre is open Monday to Friday 8.30 am to 5.30pm.
Morning session is 8.30 am to 1pm
Afternoon session from 1pm to 5.30 pm.
Lunch is between 12pm and 1pm
Snacks are included in Price.

Please note - Invoices should be paid in full within 7 days of issue.

**Please use web browser MICROSOFT EDGE to make payment**



Detailed Description

Sessions and costs

Full week cost £282.30 £264.60
Daily rate (lunch/snacks incl) £56.46 £52.92
Morning 8.30 to 1pm (snacks incl) £30.03 £28.26
Afternoon 1pm to 5.30pm (snacks incl) £26.43 £24.66


We offer a main term of 38 weeks and a summer term of 11 weeks. The Pre-School closes for 3 weeks in December. Main term - (38 weeks) Summer term (11 weeks). Our fees are based on 38 weeks September to July and a summer term of 11 weeks from July to September.

We appreciate that your childcare needs may change over summer and that you may require a different number of childcare sessions. We can therefore offer some flexibility for change in the number of sessions over summer.

You are therefore invited to advise what sessions you would like to book for the main 38 week term and whether you wish to amend these for the 11 week summer term.

Once you have selected the sessions you wish to book for the main and summer terms these will represent an established pattern of attendance for the duration of both terms.

For further information please contact Pre-School directly;

01772 892597



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