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Immediate Life Support instructor (ILSi)


Course Information


Immediate Life Support instructor (ILSi) is a specialist instructor course that gives candidates the skills to become an Instructor in Immediate Life Support (ILS) and Paediatric Immediate Life Support (PILS).

These skills can then be used to teach fellow healthcare professionals on ILS and PILS courses.

Course Code

Course Description

You must be nominated to undertake this instructor training. ILSi is not open to applications in the same way our other courses are.

Instead, our future Instructors are found when they undertake an ILS course. Our Course Directors and Faculty identify candidates who they feel would make excellent iInstructors and recommend them as having instructor potential. Those candidates then receive a letter inviting them to book a place on an ILSi course.

ILSi teaches the knowledge and skills required to:

  • understand the nature of teaching and learning;
  • understand the needs of individual learners;
  • understand the awareness of the four domains of learning;
  • undertake the various types of teaching sessions on the provider courses.

ILSi must be taken within one year of the date of the provider course. 

StartEndCourse Fee 
13 November 2024
13/11/202413/11/2024£255.00[Read More]

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