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Connect Centre Conference 2024

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Event Information

Date of Event
2nd October 2024
Last Booking Date for this Event
19th September 2024


Join us for our 2024 Connect Centre conference exploring ‘Children and families experiencing harm and abuse; Research for Change’, on 2nd October 2024 in the Green Castle Hotel, Kendal, Cumbria.

Opening address by Prof Carolina Överlien, Professor of Gender-based violence and health at Uppsala University, Sweden, exploring sexual violence and abuse in young people’s intimate relationships.

Followed by a wide range of presentations, from research and practice, exploring different aspects of interpersonal violence against children, adults and families in themed parallel sessions across the day

Please note that the contact details you provide will be used by the University of Central Lancashire to communicate with you regarding this event.


- Delegate rate for practitioners/undergraduate students and other concessionary rates - £50

- Delegate rate for academics/researchers/postgraduate students - Early Bird - £95 (if booked before 15 July 24)

- Delegate rate for academics/researchers/postgraduate students - £105 (if booked on/after 15 July 24)

- Conference Dinner - £32 (Three course meal (drinks are not included). Dietary requirements can be catered for, and you will be asked to confirm your meal choices a month before the event)

Please note, if you are booking your conference place via the links below, you will have the option to add the conference dinner on the next page. The ‘conference dinner only’ button below is only for those who have already booked their conference place, but wish to separately book and pay for the conference dinner.

For any queries about eligibility for these rates, please email [email protected]

Connect Centre for Research on Violence & Harm - UCLan

Attendee CategoryCost   
Conference dinner only (for those who have already booked their conference place)£32.00[Read More]
Delegate rate for academics/researchers/postgraduate students - Early Bird£95.00[Read More]
Delegate rate for practitioners/undergraduate students and other concessionary rates£50.00[Read More]

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